Thursday 27 March 2014

Oh Madhusudana My flute

O my Blue Prince!!!!! My heart is sewn on my sleeve, your name is in the stitches.My love is guiding me, it's your fire within that warms my soul empowers all i do…..O My Flute...i can hear his flute i feel as if thrust within the waves of an ocean of nectar, and the more i hear, the more thirsty and eager i become to hear……O Madhusudana My flute…I love you My Lord…Jai Shri Krishna —

My Blue Prince

O My Blue Prince …whatever wherever whenever forever…. krishna the voice of my soul ...H’s might to direct me,H’s power to protect me,H’s wisdom for learning,H’s eye for discerning,H’s ear for my hearing,H’s word for my clearing……He has loved us caring for his own… & everyday I live I seem to love Him more and more….. whatever wherever whenever forever…. O My Blue Prince….Jai Shri Krishna 

Bishakha-Krishna full of joy is the Lord! It is the spirit of Eternity only who knows the greatness of My Beloved....Oh My Blue Prince..the full moon of Divine Love rises on the firmament of undying Love,it breaks into waves of carries the fragrance of Divine Love ...she has her own way in delights the heart,it fascinates the Universe....What beauty unparallelled!..Ah! behold the gracious countenance of Him...Oh My Blue Prince...My Beloved....

hello Jai Shri Krishna ...genuine pleasure to have you All...My Deepest Gratitude.....Jai Shri Krishna 

Krishna My Beloved Lord

Oh My Blue Prince … comes finely dressed with the bright golden glow of the moon illuminating Him….He is known as beauty. I admire the beauty..Reflected in all things He is harmony.. Imaginative peacock feathers twirl around,…My Beloved Lord,The Lord of Love ,reveals the treasure stored in the heart of every living being….Genuine pure Love,it is the hidden inner realm where the deepest happiness is found…..He is everywhere and everything….Oh Krishna Krishna ….Jai Shri Krishna