Friday 13 March 2015

Blue Lord # Krishna # Lord of Love# Beloved Blue Prince

My unspoken Words,  
My dark Lord.....Oh my beloved Blue  
My Dark Blue Prince….Ohhh I lost my heart  to this beautiful blue,Only my thirsty heart can feel it… it is unquenchable...My Unquenchable Thrist..can only be spending unlimited time under those divine tree....watching Him... so heavenly feeling.simply no words to describe it…
 ~she is still painting  Him only  and evolving in joy...~
Krishna Krishna Jai Shri Krishna

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Light Love--- Lord Krishna Love Radha

Ohh My Strange Light…!
The light is emanating Him,never to may be concealed now and then but it is eternal…Divine light on darkness…..
Ohh the sweet flute is again being played at the bank of the river Yamuna…
Her beloved of the dark-blue color stands waiting for her …The fountain of divine love within the heart of art swells up and overflows…...
He is Her Beloved Hari Beloved Blue Prince
Ohh Krishna Krishna
Jai Shri RadhaMadhava Hari Hari...