Thursday 28 May 2015

Lord of Love# Krishna # My Flute # Lord Krishna

------"I'll know My Lord,I have reached"---
Like the nightsky above,I've imagined it to be the hue of your skin..
It is boundless expanse are like gateaways to fly away,
The wind of your love shall sail me through and I will oneday reach my destination.
The sound and the melody of your flute will guide me...
And even when the tempest strikes,
I know you My Lord ,My Beloved Blue Prince ,
will protect me under your clouds..
Whether its the rain,the sun or the cold,
I shall not be bothered for the flame of devotion within me shall
keep burning with inextinguishable oil.
And after all the calamities,I shall endure through,
when the rainbow in the sky shall strike,
I'll know My Lord,I have reached..