Monday 21 September 2015

#LordKrishna #MeeraMohana #RadhaKrishna #Bansuri #My Flute #Lord of Love #LordKrishna #God #JaiShreeKrishna #RadhaKrishna #HareKrishna

Ohh My Flute...................
I sit like a child,awestruck at this blazing light in front of me.
It is a sight that I would never get tired of.
Lulled into the heavy meditative state of simply
staring at the golden coloured flame,

I can suddenly hear the sweet tune of the flute
infusing into the silence to awaken it,
to make it rejoice of the power of enlightment.
Oh My Flute


Tuesday 15 September 2015

#My Flute# My Beloved Krishna # Meera-Mohana # Radha-Krishna # Lord Krishna

......Suddenly the atmosphere arround me
is changing as beautifully
as night changes into day
and the Moon is taken over by the Sun.
The rays cut through my vision
and I see You there..My Flute..
Playing flute with that smile on Your face
Ahhh ,beckoning for me to come closer to You.............
I have no words..........................

Friday 11 September 2015

"My Lord" # Lord Krishna # Lord of Love # Meera-Mohana # Radha-Krishna

Ohh My Lord-----
For my flame of cognition is solely You,
Ohh My Lord.
There is this spark,
which is as bright and unbelievable 
as magic it stands illuminated
alone in the room of darkness.
Not the shadows,not the eclipse,
not the darkness itself can blow out
this torch of flame ,
That I see you in...
Ohh My Lord
Oh Krishna My Beloved Blue Prince..
Krishna Krishna Krishna 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

" My Poem for Krishna "# " "Until I become a part of You."# Lord Krishna ## Meera-Mohana ## Radha-Krishna # Lord of Love

--------------"Until I become a part of You."---------------------------
In complete darkness of the night,with no silvery rays of the moon to grace my eyes…
I still move forward through the darkness in hope to see you
And slowly as I progress ,I see the ray of light out through the blackness.
And slowly! Little by little,I see the massive ball of light illuminated by your divinity
My eyes are blind through,I stare at you until I see no more,until I become a part of you.....Oh My Beloved Blue Prince
Krishna Krishna Jai Shri Krishna